Expand description

Crate features

  • "nightly" Enabled by default. Disable to make the library compatible with stable and beta Rust channels.



Unordered container with random access.

A (mostly readonly) inner container holding Arena items. While Arena itself is unique (i.e. non-clonable) object, arena ‘items’ could be cloned.

An iterator over all items ids.

An iterator over all items ids.

An iterator over all items combined with their ids.

An iterator over all items.

An iterator over all items combined with their ids.

An iterator over all items.

Component class static shared data. The return type of the ComponentClass::token function.

Arena item handle.


An implementer of the Component trait is a type, whose values can be placed into Arena container.

An utility trait describing a specific component type.

An implementer of the ComponentId trait is a type behaves as Id.

Type Definitions

Non-generic, FFI-friendly ComponentId representaion.